Pastoral Care | Private School Kildare | Clongowes Wood College

The cornerstone of our approach to pastoral care at Clongowes is that of cura personalis or care of the individual.  Each boy in our care is treated with the utmost care as an individual.  Each boy has his own story, talents and dreams – our mission is to nurture each individual so he may fulfil his potential and go out into the world as a well rounded, competent and compassionate person.

We believe that boarding school should reflect all the best aspects of family life where boys feel comfortable, confident and supported as they move through their teenage years.

Our team of boarding prefects are at the forefront of our pastoral care and act in loco parentis, or in the place of a parent.  Good communication between prefects and the boys is essential with parents providing the third point in the triangle of communication between parents, boys and prefects.

Your son’s Line (Senior) prefect will lead the cross functional care team that provides  wraparound support and care.  Joining the prefect on the care team are the school counsellor, nurses, the Spiritual Father, Learning Support teachers, Academic Year Heads and others.

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Virtual Open Evening

Our next Virtual Open Evening will take place on
Thursday 13th February
Click below for more information