17 January 2025
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‘The experience I had over the 6 years, the lessons I learned and the ethos that was instilled into me is what changed everything in my life’ The words of Michael Medeiros OC’18 on the impact his time at Clongowes has had on his life. This Summer we welcomed back some graduates of the Alberto…read article
In late March, we travelled to Lesotho as pilgrims, servants and students. During our pilgrimage to Lesotho, we had the opportunity to work closely with the local community on different development projects as part of our immersion programme. This involved water accessibility projects, road maintenance and tree planting initiatives. We built many meaningful relationships with…read article
Foundation Autumn Update 2022 In a wonderful development for the Jesuit Order and for Clongowes, one of the early Alberto Hurtado Bursary graduates, Seán McMahon (OC’16), entered the Jesuit noviciate in Innsbruck this September. Shadowing the life of Fr Cyril Power S.J. (OC 1907)[1], Seán studied Theoretical Physics in Cambridge after leaving Clongowes. While…read article
August 18th – Today we celebrate the Feast Day of Alberto Hurtado, the modern Chilean, Jesuit saint for whom the Alberto Hurtado Bursary Programme (AHP) at Clongowes Wood College is named. A dedicated scholar, priest, and servant of the poor, Padre Hurtado, as he was popularly known throughout his native Chile grew up in poverty following…read article
Clongowes Transition Year art students Eoin, Benedikt, Alfonso, Javier, Cyril, Liam, Daniel & Allen undertook the grand task of painting a Laudoto Si mural in the Irish Jesuits International Garden in Dublin earlier this month. The students worked with Syrian fine artist, Manar Al-Shouha, to commission a mural of their design to represent Laudoto Si,…read article
James Lambe – 7th July 1998 – 17th May 2021 It should come as no surprise to anyone if I say that the past month has been a very special God-given time during which we were blessed to see Him putting the finishing touches to one of His rare masterpieces – as we gathered…read article
A year-long series of events worldwide is planned to mark the 500th anniversary of ‘the conversion’ moment of St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. The anniversary begins with the launch of the Ignatian Year 2021-2022 this May since the seeds of his conversion were sown in the siege at Pamplona in May…read article
0/20 means perfect vision, but we never saw this coming – this year of COVID 19. A world turned upside down. But the world has been upended many times before throughout history – be it by pandemics like the Black Death or the Spanish ‘Flu’ or by self-inflicted injuries such as the twin world wars…read article
Question-time: Q.1 Do you know the origin of the famous Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Call ? If you don’t – well, never mind – for you can find that out soon enough, I promise! *** Q.2 Do you know the origin of the May Day celebrations around the world on this first day of the fifth…read article
The Gospel of the Mass on Holy Thursday, celebrating the Institution of the Eucharist – is St John’s account of the Last Supper. He, alone of all the Evangelists, does not record Christ’s words This is My Body – this is My Blood. Rather does he concentrate on what Jesus did in the symbolism of…read article