Academics - Clongowes Wood College - Page 5

Headmaster’s Assembly

2nd May 2018

The Headmaster’s Assembly took place on 18th April to welcome the boys back after the Easter break and to recognise their achievements and participation in the life of the school. Diligence Diligence Awards for the second term, as judged by the Academic Year Heads, were awarded to those who have scored high diligence marks during…read article

The Flipped Classroom

20th April 2018

Junior Cycle Science Fair Are animals affected by coloured light? Do scrum caps actually work? Butter or Olive Oil? Does packaging affect your taste perception? The Magnus effect on soccer balls? Is there a real difference between sport played on Artificial v Real Grass? Is advanced technology having an effect on society? Is there a…read article

Finding God in the Mocks

20th January 2018

On the morning of the first day of the Mock Exams in Clongowes the Assistant Headmaster, Mr Martin Wallace, addressed the boys at Morning Prayer to encourage them to approach the tests in a positive frame of mind… Today is the second day of Christian Unity Week and we include in our prayers a desire…read article

Scholarship Boys

24th November 2017

UCD Entrance Scholars and TCD Exhibitions We are delighted to announce that six of our outstanding students from the Rhetoric graduating class of 2017 have been recognised as UCD Entrance Scholars, while another six have been awarded Entrance Exhibitions in TCD. Each year both of these universities recognise the calibre of their incoming high-achieving students…read article

College and Career Exhibition

27th October 2017

Last week (Thursday, 19th October) Clongowes held a College and Career Exhibition in the sports hall. While many are familiar with the Irish Times Higher Options Exhibition, held in the RDS annually, this year we decided to organise our own ‘mini’ Higher Options Exhibition for the Higher Line students and their parents, with a ‘mini’…read article

Junior Cert Results

13th September 2017

On Wednesday (September 13th) the Syntax boys received their Junior Cert Results three months after completing the exams and following a few days of nervous anticipation. They had no need to worry as the results proved to be very good and compared favourably with those of their predecessors. The Headmaster, Mr Lumb, congratulated them on…read article

And so it begins…

4th September 2017

On Thursday the young gentlemen of Rhetoric 2023 tucked themselves into the front rows of the Boys’ Chapel – the 204th Elements class to enter the school in this, our third, century. Under the benevolent, watchful eye of Mr Frank Kelly, Head of Boarding (and Master of Ceremonies), they looked around in awe and excitement…read article

Exceptional LC Results

17th August 2017

Exceptional Leaving Certificate Results for Clongowes Students An air of nervous tension was palpable in the Concourse from mid-morning as boys of Rhetoric 2017 arrived with their parents to collect the envelopes containing their Leaving Certificate Results. Some opted to find a quiet corner to open and examine the results whilst others ripped them open…read article

Applied Science

3rd June 2017

What to do when you don’t know what to do “ It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”   (Charles Darwin, The Origin of the Species”) On Thursday May 18th an audience comprising pupils, teachers and parents gathered in the Music Performance…read article

Different Approaches

8th May 2017

Last Tuesday, 2nd May, Physics students from Poetry travelled to the University of Limerick with Mr Stephen O’Hara to make their final presentations for the Mathematical Modelling project. This project, which is the only one of its kind in the country, is run by James Gleeson, Professor of Industrial and Applied Mathematics at UL and…read article

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Open Morning

Our next Open Morning will take place on
Saturday 22nd March
Click below for more information