20 February 2025
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Seachtain na Gaeilge Beidh Seachtain na Gaeilge á cheiliúradh againn i gColáiste Choill Chluana Gabhann an tseachtain seo, ón Luan an 11ú go dtí an Aoine an 15ú. I measc na himeachtaí a bheidh ar siúl lenár ranganna Gaeilge beidh: Tráth na gCeist do ranganna Elements agus Rudiments Gearrscánnáin á thaispeáint agus ranganna léitheoireachta sa…read article
Junior Science Fair Awards From Tuesday 29th January to Friday 1st February, the Clongowes Wood College Science Department hosted our first ever Science Week. A high point of the event took place on Thursday, 31st with the Second Annual Junior Science Fair in collaboration with SciFest@School, where a second-level school hosts their own in-house SciFest STEM…read article
Last week the Clongowes Wood College Science Department hosted our first ever Science Week from Tuesday 29th January to Friday 1st Feb.The week kicked off with Elements (appropriately for a Science Week!), travelling to Dublin Zoo on Tuesday in the company of their Science Teachers. Ms Nolan had prepared a biology themed treasure hunt for…read article
Have you ever wondered if too much exercise can be bad for you? Or why we listen to music and whether it is better to run barefoot or in runners? Maybe you lie awake wondering if sleeping with your ’phone can be bad for you – or lose sleep pondering how the temperature of a…read article
It fair took us back to a childhood of scrabbling around for different sized LEGO© bricks in a battered biscuit tin, when we walked into the Cooperative Learning Centre on Tuesday morning to see the busy workshop taking place. The brightly lit space was a hive of focused activity with youngsters designing and building racing cars…read article
Clongowes physics and applied maths students are again involved in research projects with the University of Limerick. This will be the sixth year that the science department will link up with the Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry to develop mathematical models for real world problems. Professor James Gleeson, a world leader in his…read article
On Saturday, September 29th, Old Clongownian, Matthew Martin was awarded a Naughton Foundation scholarship worth €20,000 at a ceremony in Trinity College Biomedical Science Institute in Dublin. The award was presented by founding patrons of The Naughton Foundation, Dr. Martin Naughton and his wife Carmel who were joined by Mr. Richard Bruton TD, Minister for…read article
A day before the new Elements made their first tentative steps in the school and two days in advance of the return of the more seasoned campaigners up the school, the academic and prefecting staff assembled for the first of two staff days to ready themselves for the forthcoming year… The Opening Prayer was led…read article
Inaugural AERPRIZE finals On Friday 16thMarch Rhetoric student Paddy White, in the company of his sponsor, science teacher Ms Yvonne Nolan, took his place at the inaugural AERPRIZE finals at the Atlantic Flight Training Academy in Little Island Cork. Paddy’s entry to the competition, a five-minute flight training video, one of over 150 team entries,…read article
On Wednesday 18th April Professor James Gleeson returned for his final visit to the Clongowes physics and applied maths students, who are involved in research projects with the Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry of the University of Limerick to develop mathematical models for real world problems. Professor Gleeson had already visited us in October and…read article