Hear from our Students - Clongowes Wood College

Clongowes is a 7-day boarding school.  This allows our students to have a full, immersive boarding school life.  If boys are interested in sport, academics, music, debating or performance etc,  we have lots of opportunities for many diverse interests.

Our daily schedule allows for balance in that boys are often involved in lots of different activities.  One of the great advantages of being part of an all-boarding community is that the boys are always surrounded by friends with similar interests.  This gives our students a really rich and rewarding educational experience.

Balancing the benefits and opportunities of boarding life with family life at home is an important consideration. Our 7-day programme allows for one long weekend home per month (on top of the regular school holidays), boys can also go home every Sunday from noon to 8.30pm if they wish.  Additionally, boys can go home for optional overnight Saturday leave approximately once a month, departing at c4pm on Saturday and returning back to school by 8.30pm.

Parents are regular, and very welcome visitors, to the school on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons to support our teams in their sporting fixtures and for Sunday Mass as well dropping in during the week if they wish, perhaps to drop off laundry or some tuck!  This balance of maintaining family life, keeping in touch with friends at home,  and our rich boarding life surrounded by friends, makes Clongowes a very special place.

Don’t take our word for it, hear from our students in the short video below.

If you have questions about boarding life in the school, please contact our Admissions Office on +353 (0)45 838258 or admissions@clongowes.net and we will be happy to help.


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Virtual Open Evening

Our next Virtual Open Evening will take place on
Thursday 13th February
Click below for more information