Please contact our Admissions Team if you have any questions about how to apply or when to apply and they will be happy to help.
As a guide, if you are interested in applying for a place in any year group to start within 18 months, please fill out and return an Application Form along with a €50 application fee. You will find a link to the Application Form below.
If your son’s expected start date is 2 or more years into the future, please send us an Expression of Interest Form so that we can keep you up to date on the admissions processes and timeframes.
You can find our Expression of Interest Form here
You will be invited to our Open Day and other events where your family will get a real sense of what makes Clongowes a very special place. You are welcome to arrange a private visit outside of our Open Day and to arrange that visit or should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us