Clongowes Wood College is one of Ireland’s oldest and most successful boarding schools. The College is committed to the provision of the highest quality Catholic education in the Jesuit tradition.
Our Mission
Clongowes Wood College was founded in 1814 and is one of Ireland’s oldest and most successful boarding schools with an enrolment of c.440. We continue today under the College’s motto: aeterna non caduca, striving for the lasting (eternal) values and not the ephemeral ones.
We are committed to the provision of the highest quality Catholic education in the Jesuit tradition. Our mission is to educate students according to the highest standards of Jesuit schooling and the values of the Gospel as expressed in The Characteristics of Jesuit Education and the more recent A Living Tradition in the 21st Century. It is our fidelity to Clongowes’ Jesuit mission and Christian teaching that stand us in good stead in the demanding times we live in and the challenges which lie ahead.
Living together in a boarding school gives the opportunity to develop a real sense of family and to fulfil one of the aims of Jesuit education to become a man for others. The school strives to ensure that cura personalis, the importance of looking after and caring for the individual, is a strong element in everything that we do. We are dedicated to forming young leaders whose core will be the mission of the Gospel: reconciliation with justice and compassionate care for all creation.
Current Vacancies
There are no vacancies at this time.