Parents’ Book Club - Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 12th December 2016

This is a reminder that the Parents’ Book Club will be having its Christmas evening out on Wednesday, 14th December, at Vie de Chateau in Naas at 6pm. All are welcome to come along and join us; and if you haven’t joined us before, don’t be shy. Come and find out what the Book Club is all about – enjoying reading and having fun! (As it is a busy time for restaurants at this time of year, please let us know as soon as possible if you can make it, as space is limited).

Next term we are delighted to announce we will be inviting Irish author, Margaret Scott, to come and talk to us about her very topical book, The Fall Out, based on the recent banking crisis and Dave Rudden will be visiting the boys in the New Year to talk about his books Knights of the Borrowed Dark. If we behave ourselves, our librarian Jane O’Loughlin, might invite us to listen to this young Irish edition of JK Rowling? Some good ideas for under Christmas the tree in any case!

Looking forward to having you join us on the 14th. Don’t forget to respond quickly to avoid disappointment to our email address:

Welcome to the Clongowes Wood College Parents Book Club

The Parents Book Club is open to all, from all years and with no need to sign up, simply drop in if and when free on designated Sunday mornings at 10 am in the Front Reception Room (beside the ref), or drop us a line by email with thoughts and comments on books selected or to be considered if you can’t make it in person. In addition to being an interesting forum to chat about books we love or have found interesting, the book club offers an opportunity for parents to interact and get to know each other across the year groups, in a relaxed and informal setting over a cup of tea or coffee, generously provided by the school . The aim is to be a friendly forum for discussion, providing an opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions on books we have enjoyed and wish to chat about (of course the chat invariably gets around to Our Boys!!). We are very fortunate in having a wonderful school librarian, Jane O’Loughlin, who often makes suggestions that would make for good reads for ourselves and the boys also.

We meet six times a year, three in the first term and three between Christmas and Summer. At Christmas and the end of the year we mark the occasion with an end of term dinner in a local restaurant which is always a lovely night out. Slight chat about the books and long chat about everything else, is usually the norm on these occasions!

We choose two or three books each time, one usually a bit serious and the other light, so you can take your pick depending on your mood. A brief feedback on the books is written up after each meeting and emailed to members and posted on the website. Last year we teamed up with Jane and had a wonderful evening in the company of the boys, listening to a talk by Arthur Shackleton, who has written a book about his cousin Ernest. It was a really wonderful evening. If you have any suggestions as to how we can make the Club more interactive and accessible, please let us know by email, – all ideas are gratefully received! Our email address is :

Don’t be shy – come along and join in, in person at our meetings or on line by email ….we love to have varied and different opinions on books, so send us yours. We look forward to hearing from you!

Roisin, Aiffric and Mary (parents)

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