Alberto Hurtado Bursary Programme – Past Pupils tell us their experience | Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 23rd October 2023

3 students walking

‘The experience I had over the 6 years, the lessons I learned and the ethos that was instilled into me is what changed everything in my life’

The words of Michael Medeiros OC’18 on the impact his time at Clongowes has had on his life.

This Summer we welcomed back some graduates of the Alberto Hurtado Bursary Programme who were delighted to tell us about their experience of life at Clongowes and how the programme gave them the opportunity to transform their lives. In the 16 years since its foundation the AHP has become an integral part of life at Clongowes.  More than 70 students have graduated from the Programme with 39 currently attending the College.

We would like to thank Michael Medeiros OC’18, Michael Quinn OC’20 and Ryan Thompson OC’23 along with Chair of Fundraising at Clongowes Foundation, Joe Rooney OC’79 & AHP Coordinator, Liz Griffin, for their generosity of time and spirit to celebrate the success of the AHP to date.

Click to view the full video Alberto Hurtado Bursary Programme at Clongowes

Clongowes Foundation supports the Alberto Hurtado Bursary Programme (AHP), the programme is inspired by the desire to remove barriers to Clongowes’ unique educational experience.  It offers opportunity to boys who might otherwise not fulfil their potential because of socio-economic disadvantage.  Students are chosen on the basis of eligibility and suitability, family ambition and their potential to thrive in a boarding school environment. Donations from past pupils, current parents and the Jesuit Province have been crucial in the supporting the programme since its inception.

To learn more about the programme and how you can help, check out our page with full details on the Alberto Hurtado Bursary Programme or contact / 045 838215

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