Dust you are and unto dust, you shall return. Ecclesiastes 3:20
Last Wednesday, the school community joined together for the annual Ash Wednesday service in the Boys’ Chapel. This marked the first day of Lent, the six weeks of fasting and prayer preceding Easter.
The service was led by Fr. Michael Sheil SJ who was assisted by Fr. Barney McGuckian SJ and Fr. Shane Daly SJ. It was a prayerful service in which we were led into the Penitential Season of Lent, and the hymns sung by the Schola reflected that solemn moment wherein the Church enters those 40 days before the joy of Easter. Fr. Sheil reminded the school that this period of prayer and penance has its origins in the scriptures, culminating in Christ’s own desert temptation scene. The school received the ashes and in so doing are reminded of the need to spend moments in our busy lives to take heed of the ‘clutter’ that surrounds us and focus on the ‘Eterna’. Not an easy task, but one we are called to do, and especially considering the Apostolic preferences given by Fr. General Arturo Sosa SJ, the first of which encourages us to show the way to God through Spiritual Exercises and discernment.
Throughout Lent, daily mass is celebrated at 08h10 in the Ignatian Chapel and is offered for the intentions of those present. This will help to encourage the boys to make space for prayer and reflection in their lives.